Thursday, 5 July 2012

Best adventure game!! Ragnarok Odyssey's for vita..

In the world of Ragnarok, or spin-off of it, comes to West Vita owners. When it launched earlier this year in Japan, Ragnarok Odyssey action-RPG players hooked approach that led to one of the few success stories of the system. Xseed Games now in the process of localizing it for the Summer 2012 issue.

The approach GungHo Internet for this version of Ragnarok were to focus on speed and vertical combat. Characters use strong and heavy attacks in various increments to fight the enemies, but some combinations will allow them to begin the opponents into the air. Just as the fighting game Capcom, Odyssey allows players to challenge gravity, cohesion of their punches in the air, with little concern about falling to the ground. Enemies can be spiked down, damaging anything caught in their path.

This sense of verticality is an even greater role when authorities enter the picture. Even in the middle of the head of the boss showed me the demo was more than twice the nature and the true end of the level of monsters in a few times. In order to effectively fight against the Giants, the game requires players to use the air battles, identifying specific locations of maximum uscherba.Vynoslivost meter affects the ability to smash or jump (or a combination of the two), and "players rage mode" type can be obtained over time, increase speed and damage due to health.

Up to four players can join a local or online, to jointly take over the head of the game based on the problem, or fight with each other in mode, Versus. There are six main classes, which can then be modified with different skills, clothing, weapons, and other options. Some of these changes are merely cosmetic, but others may have a significant impact on the strength of his character.
