Steel Battalion: Heavy Armor is played exclusively on the first litsa.Upravlyaemye player character spends most of his time in a vertical tank, although there is some consistency out of VT. While at VT, basic movement, aiming, shooting and weapon is controlled with a standard controller using the standard controls of arrows. Everything else, however, is controlled by the (poor) to Kinect. All that is reducing the periscope, to change the types of munitions, (allegedly) a fist pump of people controlled by Kinect. Nevertheless, Kinect controls are seen as being violated in the worst case, and unnecessary at best. In combination with poor structure and missions of high complexity, Steel Battalion: Heavy Armor has received a lot of negative reviews.
The specific objectives of each campaign can be played in cooperative mode with 4 players. The lack of players replaced AI. Points are added to the point of murder may be lost if the player is destroyed. One player is assigned a team leader if the leader goes down, the mission is automatically terminated. The team was awarded a letter grade, and each mission has opened up the equipment to adjust the CN according to the fact that the letter was received by the class.