Little is known today about Funcom "The Secret World" for the fact that the company decided to make public. From what has been said, it does not contain the traditional system of classes and levels dictate how to achieve this in the game, or what the player can choose to do when progressing. According to the company, this means that there will be a lack of level grinding; feature of many role-playing games and online games that can be put to the players, making them feel that they do not make any progress, and never get in the game.
Little is known today about Funcom "The Secret World" for the fact that the company decided to make public. From what has been said, it does not contain the traditional system of classes and levels dictate how to achieve this in the game, or what the player can choose to do when progressing. According to the company, this means that there will be a lack of level grinding; feature of many role-playing games and online games that can be put to the players, making them feel that they do not make any progress, and never get in the game.
Player characters can also be configured as in the reality of mass and Dragon Age. The extent to which the settings can be taken is not clear, although Funcom announced that the characters are "customizable". As well as setting its appearance, the player can customize their gear and weapons of force. The system of government is not yet clear. What are the benefits of this will still not sure, but the options include both martial arts and black magic, apparently means that they might have in hand sculpture of the character as a man who is good or evil in the game world. Arms available standard fare for most MMO games, consisting mainly of swords, axes and other medieval weapons, and spells.
The manner in which the game is also designed for minimum penalties for those who prefer to play as a "lone wolf", as most problems do not require collaboration and cooperation to a chance to finish them. The manner in which tasks are provided three basic formats. These formats are as follows:
1. Study
2. Sabotage
3. Hunting
With the format outlined in the mission, it is clear that the game will be subject. This is quite unique due to the fact that the majority of MMO titles to place your attention on the interaction between the players and not the history of progress. During the game, players will assume the role of custom modern hero of the day, and then choose the format they want the mission to complete. Whether the player would prefer to kill monsters or discover the world around them, or to perform other tasks in the game world is completely their choice. Missions can also send and chaos could break out with the monsters lurk out the possibility of an ambush the player.