In the original BioShock you come after the Ascension was torn. The main events of the world have already taken place, and you are left to pick up the pieces and solve the mystery. BioShock Infinite, the next game in the series, but not quite a sequel, puts you right in the middle of it. You play as Booker DeWitt, a former Pinkerton agent assigned to find a woman named Elizabeth in the floating city of Columbia. It turns out that this problem is even more difficult than the concept of penetration of a floating city at first it might seem, because Elizabeth is capable of wielding incredible power that the phase of objects and their existence. It is also protected by a monstrous creature called Songbird, who did not like the idea of letting her go.
Although you can use to slow the development of studies in the watery halls of Rapture, the movement is not slow to infinity. This is because you can latch on to DeWitt rail that connects all the different flying Columbia platforms. The use of so-called Skyhook, it can catch on these rails and soar in the air, picking up speed down the slopes and climbing on a roller coaster, as the sound effects. The effect is exhilarating - you are no longer limited to the corridors of hard when faced with the battle. Instead of going around the corner and unload a few shots to try to negate the enemy's health, you can just latch onto the overhead rail and five floors in seconds.
This does not mean that you can just leave every conflict in the endless, taking to the air. The enemies just as crazy as you are, and will follow you on the rails, and even go to you. To keep things exciting, you're not tied to one rail after catch. It is possible to jump between the two, or go on a railway near the one you are going to drop down to the train far below.
E3 2011 demo made for the potential of this rail slide is very clear during the sequence of the airship. DeWitt has been done in it from city streets to the blimp floating on the tops of the towers, and the subsequent sequence of high-speed corkscrew motion was dizzying display thrilling action and great visual effects. While scaling the beauty of Colombia was clearly visible as clusters of skyscrapers swayed on separate platforms, wrapped in blankets against the backdrop of cloud heights puzzled. DeWitt jumping from rail to rail to travel up and fighting with a random opponent, but usually just trying to stay mobile. Eventually he got to the airship, the disabled, and then fell from the gastro-churning speed rail is far down on the connection with the fall of injuries, but survival.