Wednesday, 28 December 2011

Basketball Training Aids to Improve

If constant practice and sheer dedication aren't enough to improve your game, then you might as well consider acquiring some effective basketball training aids.

Rebounding device - helps you to practice your shooting without rebounding the ball after every shot.

Shooting straps - is attached to your shooting hand to assist you in maintaining the right form while taking a shot, make the right follow through, and improve your one-handed release.

Dribbling aid - is designed to help you use your fingertips in dribbling (and not your palm). It also helps improving your passing and shooting skills.

Basketball goggles - are designed to keep your head up while dribbling your ball. The goggles block your lower vision so that you practice on not looking at the ball.

Agility ladders - helps you develop eye-foot coordination, foot quickness, and versatility. You can use your regular ladder to achieve the same result.

Jump boxes - help you improve your jumping ability and overall strength. These boxes vary in height which you can use to strengthen your leg muscles.

Jump ropes - are the most basic and probably the cheapest basketball training aids you can have. And they are effective too. Jump ropes improve your heart. Jump ropes also improve your calf and leg muscles. For better workout results, try weighted jump ropes.
